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Monday, October 5, 2009

Tsunami Story: David

David: Samoana High School Student, 9th Grade, Village of Faga’alu

In the time that the tsunami came I did not know because I was coming in that morning I was feeling something that shaking then I think is not something happen, and then I was walk in the office I was feeling again some thing that shaking that come outside the office and people said that run tsunami is coming. I said “ok,” and I run up to the mountain I was coming back down because I was come to see where my brother, then I ran back up my brother is standing up the faleo’o. Then I was feel that I want to go to my family because I was feeling that something happen. And I was up there I was looking down over our school I was see a road is wet and a lot of people that need help and lot of car that broken that time I was cry because I see down the road lot of people that running to see their family or their kid. And the other thing than happening when earthquake and tsunami coming I see lot of people die, people that looking for their family, and people that their house is lost, and their clothes and some of their car - are things that important but it is lost. And the other thing in following day our family talking to go help people that no house and no clothes, and then we go at Leone we havig lot of people that we help to give their food and give clothes. That is the only thing I do for people that need help. 

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