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Monday, October 5, 2009

Tsunami Story: Motuga

Motuga: Samoana High School Student, 12th Grade, Village of Pago Pago

On the day the tsunami came I was still sleep the earthquake woke me up and when I got up my house crumbled and I never experienced something like this. The earthquake is strong and long it takes 5 to 15 second until the earthquake stop. I ran down the street to see if there are any unusual things happen in the ocean. When I got there in Pago Pago you can see rocks and coral and on the other side there are two big whirl pool. I started feel scared because I never see any whirl pool in my life before. When the whirl pool stop thats where the first wave came. It washed boats, ship, and sailing boats on the shore, people started crying and some of them start calling their families if they are okay. The following day I thought only Pago Pago is damage but when I turn on the radio some village damage badly, some people lost their families, some people lost their house and it makes me feel sad for them. This is the first time a tsunami came in Am. Samoa. 

1 comment:

  1. Motuga,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I can't even imagine what you have seen. I am praying for you, your village and the island.

    Miss Kelsey
