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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tsunami Story: Orisse

Orisse : Samoana High School Student, 10th Grade, Village of Leone

On September 29, 2009 a tsunami attacked American Samoa. On this day I was on my way to school, so my mom and I stopped to the store to buy something to eat for breakfast. Right when we parked the car we felt an earthquake. I didn’t notice it was an earthquake until I saw some few people looking scared and I saw trees and the gound even our car shaking. The mountains were even collapsing and so right after the earthquake was finished, my mom said she’s not sure if we should go to school, but we should drop her off to work, so it was a deal. So were were on our way to Utulei to drop my mom off, there was a big traffic in Faganeanea, and so my mom changed her mind and thought we should go back and go straight home. As we turned to go back home I saw the ocean acting up. It was like the ocean was sucked up all the way in the back. So, I felt pretty scared. We were on our way home until my mom contact the police station and they said, we should go some where high, because the waves are coming. That was when we arrived in Pavaia’i. We tried calling my dad and my sister, but they didn’t pick up the phone, so we drove really fast until we got to Leone. We were on a hill and as I looked down the water was everywhere. It was like the houses were covered with water. I was so afraid and totally scared. I started panicking and I rushed my mom to call my dad and see if they are okay because, the land was all covered up. So my mom told my brother-in-law to go look for my sister, so he ran. I cried and cried. I was worried not knowing if my dad and my sister is okay. My mom and I waited for a few minutes, and then there was my sister. She was all wet and scared. She was with her husband. My dad went back to help some few people that was injured. I was scared. I thought the world is now coming to an end, but with hope and faith in our heavenly father, I know he will protect us and with those that lost their lives ‘cause of the tsunami. I hope they rest in peace for this very day will always be remembered what have occurred and witnessed on this tsunami day. There has been a child, she’s probably 5 years old, that had died, and a boy about 6 years old and we’re still searching for his body. All my love and condolence rest with those families that had a very serious damage with their houses and to those that had lost the love ones in the family. 

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